Wallets [Solana]

Connecting wallets

  • wallets: are anything that let us store sceret keys securely and sign transactions.

    • they do more than just storing and the name is kinda confusing.
    • they allow to suggest transaction signing in safe way.

Solana wallet adapter

  • there are tons of wallets out there, doing things their own way.
  • thanks to solana-wallet-adapter we dont have do it for each. It has the support all major wallets.
  • wallet-adapter-react-ui: takes care of ui.(listing, selecting and connecting)

also learned about tree shaking

  • solana-wallet-adapter uses tree shaking, what this means is: When we use bundler like roll-up or webpack to do a production release, it analyzes the code (imports and exports) then based on that any dead code will be removed(tree shaken).

also learned about useMemo hook.

  • what it does it, it loads the stuff when one of the dependecies change. This brings me to another question, how is this different from useEffect which kinda does the same thing.
  • okay, here is what i found, useEffect kinda does one additional render than use memeouseMemo. ex:
unction expensiveCalculation(x) { return x + 1; };

  • say x was 0, first. Here is what happpens if we run the above function in useEffect, first it will do a render with x being set to null then immediately adds it to a queqe with x set to 0 then it renders again.

  • but useMemo avoids that extra render, and it intially renders it with x set to 0.